Tenant ‘Marries’ Cat Hopes To Bypass Landlords’ Pets Ban
Stranger than fiction but true - a private tenant has taken vows in a somewhat pseudo marriage ceremony with her cat hoping this will help her bypass any rental pet ban.
Deborah Hodge, 49, claims she has had to rehome three pets because landlords refuse to allow pets in their properties.
According to reports she apparently wore a tuxedo when holding a witnesses civil ceremony with her cat India, which was officiated by a legally ordained friend.
Hodge says: "I set out my intention that I would never be separated from the animal I adore. I can't be without India. She is truly a sensation, she is so friendly and amazing. She is fundamentally the most important thing in my life after my children.
"By marrying India, I need any future landlords to know that we come as a package and we cannot be separated under any circumstances as she is as important to me as the children.
“I refuse to be parted with her. I'd rather live on the streets than be without her."
Over the past couple years there has been a considerable momentum of activist groups and politicians calling for pets to be allowed in all rental properties, and to help landlords dispel any fears there should be an insurance payment made by the hopeful tenant to cover any damage that could be caused by the pet.
It is a widely held view that the ever forthcoming Renters Reform Bill and White Paper which are due later in the year, may ‘encourage’ landlords to become more accommodating in letting to tenants with pets.
Hodge continues: “I'm terrified of losing India. I can barely leave my house with anxiety over what the future holds and I'm just desperate not to lose my cat.
“By marrying India, I need any future landlords to know that we come as a package and we cannot be separated under any circumstances as she is as important to me as the children.
"Although some might think it a stupid idea, I wanted to be able to show physically, by holding the ceremony in front of my friends even though they thought I was bonkers that I am very serious. I had a group of friends there for the ceremony - they all think I've gone batsh*t crazy but we all had a lovely day.
"I recited vows under the universe that no man will ever tear myself and India apart. I set out my intention that I would never be separated from the animal I adore.”
Richard Merrick of PIMS, says:” No doubt her children will also be happy to live on the streets with their mother and feline partner happily ever after, and hopefully arranges visiting rights to the other adopted pets.”
post courtesy of Pims.co.uk
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